NEVAFILM <i>RESEARCH</i> participates in EFARN event - discussion was the development of digital cinema in Europe
NEVAFILM RESEARCH participates in EFARN event - discussion was the development of digital cinema in Europe


28-29 October 2010 The 8th meeting of representatives of the European Film Agencies Research Network (EFARN) took place in Wiesbaden, Germany. The central topic of discussion was the development of digital cinema in Europe. Researchers shared the latest information about how many digital cinemas and screens exist in their countries, numbers of digital releases, and copies in circulation, whether there is a centralized database of digital cinema equipment in use, and who is responsible for gathering information about the `digital revolution'. Research agencies also reported on existing and planned public and social programs to support the transition to digital cinema, as well as Virtual Print Fees (VPF) and other private financing models in this area. The Russian Federation was represented by Ksenia Leontyeva, Senior Analyst at Nevafilm Research.

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